

Dear Readers,

Sorry for the long delya of posting. My Internet was down for about a week and i was completely swamped with emails and things that needed tending to, so i was glued to the computer for days.

Well. I'm here. Almost unpacked. Unfortunately my stress has not gone away with all the boxes. But today was a good day. I've started creating and designing the Summer 09 Collection, which is the first I will be doing. This will be pretty exciting. I've recently ordered lots of things from all over the world and it's going to arrive on my doorstep eventually.

Speaking of packages, I apologize to the winners of the giveaway. All packages will be shipped off tomorrow. I have finally unearthed them in the mess of things!

Also, I got some pretty cute things from my favorite shop ever! More about that later.

Have a lovely week ahead!
<3 Melissa

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